Tuesday, January 8, 2019

It's the Little Things

Yesterday I received a message from one of Bob's classmates.  It was the anniversary of his Daddy's birth and he shared a picture of him and a few words including "He was a good man." 

I replied with a few words of my own and the last sentence was "Hope your day is full of precious memories!"  If you know me, I started remembering moments and memories of my own Daddy.  It really is "little things" that spur our mind and our heart to remember and cherish those who were, and still are, a part of us.

Pots and Pans
As I was washing up some pots and pans this afternoon, I thought of Daddy.  I was struggling to get some "crud" off of the bottom side and edge of the pan.  My thought was, if Daddy was here he would have the bottoms of my pans sparkling clean. 

When he would come over to visit when my girls were little he quite often help me clean up the kitchen.  When we lived on the farm he would help in the kitchen or mop and buff the floors for me.*  He would stand at the sink with a cloth or apron around his waist and a dishtowel thrown over his shoulder.

When Mother and Daddy lived in Yuma, they would visit Brenda and me here in Kansas.  After family meals, many of which he had cooked, he would head to the kitchen sink.  If it was a holiday meal or family get together here, Arizona, Texas, or where ever we were he would volunteer the men to clean up the kitchen.

It was a little thing, but I think doing "little things" for others could be labelled his Love Language.

*I'm sad to say he never got to see (or clean)my beautiful wood floors that Bob and Annie stripped and finished for me in our last home.  He would have loved them and been happy that I had them.