Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Counting My Blessings

Our first song during the worship service Sunday morning was "Count Your Blessings". I love that song and it's message, but for some reason it was like singing it for the first time. Maybe, it was that this was my first Sunday worship service of a fresh new year but I was overwhelmed with the thought of how much God has blessed me.
*I had just finished Bible class with my boys. Matt and Nate have blessed my life beyond what I ever dreamed. They challenge me spiritually and physically. I've done many things with and for them when my physical body was saying it just couldn't get up and go - they keep me going.
*Bob was leading singing. I thought of the many ways He has grown and "stepped up to the plate" in our small congregation. He has done things like preaching, teaching the adult Bible classes, and many other things which were WAY OUT of his comfort zone not too many years ago. He has studied and grown in his knowledge of the Bible.
*Bob & I were in a worship service with our aging parents. We're so blessed to have had grandparents and parents to love and care for us. Our grandparents are gone now and our parents now need us and just make us feel loved and needed. We're also blessed to be in the same town with them.
*We were also worshipping with Annie and Jared. I had a surprise when they called to say they'd be here for lunch on Saturday (Bob knew they were coming and kept it secret) We've been blessed with faithful children and it's great to see them fall in love and for them to be loved in return.
*I was in worship with my sister. God has given us such loving and giving physical families. No matter what happens, we have family who love us, encourage us and in turn care about our girls.
*God sent His son to die for me, and He loves me unconditionally. He doesn't place restrictions on His forgiveness and amazingly He continues to bless me, even when I falter and fail Him. This thought alone made me want to not only count my blessings but be a better steward of the love, the relationships and the physical blessings He has given me.
I am overwhelmed by the "countless" blessings God has given me.


At January 13, 2009 at 5:27 PM , Blogger PS, God Loves You said...

You have blessed me so much with this post. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for WHO you belong to! Thank you for being the wife and mother who would raise up the daughter who would be the answer to our years of praying for God's wife for our son. You, Sharlene, are a blessing!

At January 14, 2009 at 1:52 PM , Blogger Brenda Collins said...

I am so glad to read about all the blessings you have! Your family is one of the biggest blessings in my life!


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