Monday, June 16, 2008


1. "I think God can do anything." when reading about Mary's visit from the Angel
2. "I think Jesus is smarter than the devil" when reading about the devil tempting Jesus
3. "I think this says God is powerful." when reading about Gabriel, the angel, visiting Mary
4. About lesson from Luke 12:22-31 "I think this is a very important thought in Christianity" the passage is when Jesus was reminding his followers how important they are to God
5. "I see, I see. Now I understand" words that every teacher or leader loves to hear!


1. Receiving encouraging emails from my husband, friends & family
2. Phone calls from home (even those in the middle of our night time!)
3. Receiving amazing letters of love and encouragement from Bob, my Mother, The Gordon family and my Bible Class children (my Mom helped them write us)
4. Finding love notes and encouraging cards in my suitcase from Bob, Annie and Pamela Jeane *
5. The sense of peace that comes from knowing God is in control. He is watching over our loved ones in America and is taking great care of us here in Japan.

*Starting in 2001 I wrote cards and placed them in the girls' suitcases before they left on Mission Trips. Some would have scriptures others just reminded them that they were loved, I was praying for them and that God would take care of them. Imagine my surprise when there were notes, pictures and cards from Bob, Annie & Pamela in my suitcase, in my Bible and backpack. YEAH! Boy, do I feel loved!!


At June 18, 2008 at 5:52 AM , Blogger Kimberly said...

I love your "Top Five" lists! Sissie I am so thankful you are having this wonderful blessing of getting to go to Japan with Annie and share the
Good News! We are praying for you both, the church there and your readers!


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